

Baptism is one of two sacraments in The United Church of Canada. Baptism is open to people of all ages and is a visible reminder of God’s grace. Baptism is one of the ways we welcome people not only to our church community at Cochrane Street United Church but also the broader Christian family. Baptism in the United Church is recognized by all Christian denominations church that practice infant baptism. Similarly, if you are baptized in another church, the United Church recognizes that baptism.

Baptism at Cochrane Street United Church normally takes place on the third Sunday of each month. The parents of a child or person being baptized needs to complete the baptism application form, meet at least once with our minister and prepare their hopes and prayers for their child as they bring them for baptism. Please fill out the form below to request baptism or email if you have any questions.

HOpes and Prayers

Parents bringing their children for baptism are asked to share their hopes and prayers for their children as they bring them for baptism. The parents can read them or ask the minister will read them for them on their behalf. The hopes and prayers are as unique as the children that are baptized. Here is one example: 

"Emilie, you are our masterpiece that we have created through love, surrounded by love, and for you to give love in this world by leading with your heart. We hope your life is full of many different journeys and experiences guided by faith. We hope you are brave, strong and courageous when making life challenging decisions. We hope you go forth in life; loving yourself and others, being compassionate and patient and always caring. We hope you always embrace the beautiful colours the world has to offer and always reflect on the shinning stars above. We hope you dream big and push yourself to succeed in all your life’s ambitions. We hope your smile continues to shine and brighten up each and everyday. Emilie, we pray your life is full of love and loving people, that you respect yourself and others. We pray you take advantage of what life has to offer you, and that you live a long healthy life. We pray you see the beauty in the world that surrounds you and always take the time to reflect and be grateful. Gratitude is a powerful thing, and we pray you show that towards others. We pray your spirit grows and that it makes this world a better place. and Emilie we pray that god watches over you, protects you and keeps you safe.

Baptism Request Form